Faculty Members

1 - 10 of 30
Adjunct Professor
Nurse (1980) specialist in Psychiatric Nursing (1991), Master in Education Administration and Planning (1997) and PhD in Education (2007) from the University…
Invited Lecturer
PhD in Nursing in the Specialty of Advanced Nursing. Master's Degree in Nursing - Paliative Care,  Specialization in Community Nursing at the Catholic…
Invited Lecturer
He has been working with the Universidade Católica Portuguesa since 2005 and has been working in the institution full time since 2009. He is currently a Guest…
Invited Associate Professor
2005. PhD in Nursing Sciences at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Abel Salazar, University of Porto. 1994. Post-graduation in Applied…
Invited Lecturer
2016. PhD in Psychology with specialization in Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, University of Aveiro (Portugal) and Duke University (USA) 2010…
Invited Assistant Professor
Graduated in Nursing of Child Health and Pediatrics. Post-graduation in Family Psychology and Family Therapy. Master in Education Sciences…
Associate Professor
Bachelor in Nursing (1985). Worked at the Casa de Saúde da Boavista and at the IPO (Portuguese Oncology Institute). Nursing professor since 1987. Taught at…
Invited Professor
Adjunct Professor
Bachelor in Nursing (1980). Worked at the the IPO (Portuguese Oncology Institute) until 1984 having then become an Adjunct Professor at the Institute of…